
Saturday, November 9, 2013

Granny's phone pouch -- take 2

I sat down this afternoon to sew another attempt at a phone pouch for Granny.  This attempt went much smoother, because this pattern actually encloses the raw edges -- woo hoo!  It involved some minor quilting though, and it will come as no surprise that I had some issues.  I loved the tutorial from Fairy Face Designs and will be trying it again.  In fact, I HAVE to try it again, because it turned out too small for Granny's phone with its case on.  That was entirely my issue however -- I apparently am incapable of sewing with the proper seam allowance because the pieced portions turned out way smaller than they were supposed to.  Maybe I need one of those 1/4" quilters foot for my machine.

Anyway, here is the finished product:

Charlotte chose the button, of course.  Granny could totally rock a cupcake button without batting an eyelash, so I went with it.  There's a reason it looks like the pouch has wings -- I added in the neck strap by sewing some twill tape into the side seams, and then I turned them 90 degrees before tacking them down so they would stay that way.

Yeah, so quilting with bright pink thread on black fabric was probably a poor idea.  My feed dogs aren't thrilled when they try to feed felt (which is the batting I used), so I think that's why the stitching looks so wobbly.  I guess that's why you are supposed to use backing fabric (which is opted not to do because I didn't want any extra bulk in such a small pouch).

I'm going to try this pattern again today, hopefully with smaller seam allowances and a properly-sized finished product!  Perhaps I will make it without the piecing, but still doing some straight-line quilting to give it texture.  I might change up the fabrics just for fun.  I certainly won't be quilting with such highly-visible thread, that's for sure!

1 comment:

  1. How pretty! I’m sure your granny loved this. What is her phone like? It must be big for this pouch to be too small to fit the phone in. The next time you measure it, put in an extra length and space as it’s perfectly understandable for most elderly phone to have big buttons and screen. -- Christine, Snapfōn
