
Monday, January 27, 2014

Alex's Fox and Race Car

For Alex's first birthday crochet present, I was excited when his mom, Toni, suggested a fox.  I have been seeing foxes float across my Pinterest feed for months now.  Not sure if the fox's popularity is a result of the "What Does the Fox Say?" song or if it's the other way around, but foxes are certainly hot right now.  I gathered a bunch of pattern possibilities, and Toni chose this pattern of a fox cruising around in a little race car.  HAHAHAHA!!!!  How hilarious is this?

The cute little nose kills me.

This is actually two toys in one, because the fox is separate from the race car (which I tried to make British Racing Green)!

The big cartoon-y headlights crack me up.

Instead of a racing number in the yellow circle at the top, I decided to embroider an "A" for Alex.  After I embroidered it, it occurred to me that it looked a tiny bit like an anarchy symbol.  Ha!!  Very apropos for the days when both children are being ornery.

Happy birthday, little dude!


  1. Any chance you have this pattern for sale?

  2. The link to the pattern (which is for sale) is in the first paragraph, but in case you can't find it, here's the link to purchase it through Ravelry:
