
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Easy Peasy PJ Pants

I whipped up a couple of super simple pairs of flannel pajama pants for Charlotte and Peter to test out the new patterns I drafted.  I have some super cool sock monkey flannel that I will use to make Charlotte, Sonia, and possibly even Peter (if there's enough fabric) some fun cuffed pajama pants, but I wanted to make sure I had the shape right first.  Good thing I did, because I think I need to tweak both patterns just a bit.  The pants turned out well enough anyway, so I figured I would show them off.

Quick tip -- to get your kids excited about a photo fashion shoot, let them stand on a piece of furniture that would otherwise be strictly off-limits (in this case, the kitchen table).  I gave the kids very little posing directions, and this is how the best of the shoot turned out.

#1 -- Peter as a GQ model.  His gray blue eyes just kill me.

#2 -- Charlotte as a complete goofball.

#3 -- Peter as a goofball, Charlotte looking darling.

#4 -- Peter looking adorable, Charlotte looking goodness knows where.

I got the flannel for Charlotte's pants out of -- where else? -- the remnant bin at Jo-Ann's.

I got Peter's fabric off the bolt at Jo-Ann's during a shopping trip with him.  He fell in love with the fabric and wouldn't take no for an answer.  Thank goodness for coupons.

I didn't use any specific tutorial for these, since I now know how to make my own pj pants pattern and sew them by heart.  In the past, I have used this tutorial for the basic construction method.

I need to lengthen the rise in the size 6 pants, and make the legs a bit longer for Charlotte's pair.  For the size 4T pants, I probably just need to shorten the legs a tad so there's not so much fabric folded up in the cuff.  I need to make the modifications to add the cuffs, and then we should be in business.  Next stop, sock monkey fabric!

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