
Saturday, February 15, 2014

Nate's Dragon

No, not PETE'S dragon.... NATE's dragon!  My friend, Pauline, saw the Smaug that I made for my dragon-loving husband, and she asked if I might have time to whip up a dragon for her husband for Valentine's Day (note that I waited to post this until after Valentine's Day!).  We looked at a bunch of dragon patterns, and Pauline chose a really cool Asian dragon pattern and, after slyly asking her husband what color he would like for a theoretical pet dragon, chose blue with gray highlights.  And here is the finished result!

I think I need to take a break from dragons for a while-- the patterns for both Smaug and this dude contained errors and it took a lot of mental energy to guess what the pattern author intended.  Are dragon patterns cursed?  I had similar issues with the baby dragons that I made for Rose last year! Oh well.  All of those dragons still turned out awfully cute....  I'll probably crochet another dragon before I know it.

Featured at: Creating My Way to Success

Linking up to: Creating My Way to Success

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