
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Erin's crochet project bag & bagsket

Ages ago, I was trying to figure out a good design for Brad & Amanda's Gallon o' Games Bag, and set aside a prototype that had not ended up as I had envisioned it.  Erin happened to see it when she was visiting and declared it the perfect bag for her crocheting projects.  I happily handed it over, and promptly forgot about documenting it.  Luckily, Erin recently remembered that it had never been documented on the blog and sent me these photos.

The bag has a draw string top and the sides are made of clear vinyl -- Erin shares a love of see-through bags, just like me.  The fabric at the top was purchased waaaaaay back when I was first learning to sew during law school (probably in 2001 or 2002, from a dinky little sewing machine retail and repair shop that also carried a bit of fabric).  The red fabric on the bottom is from an old tablecloth that had been a wedding gift but met an untimely demise not long after.  The handles are black nylon webbing, I believe.

I like the ornery cat, chillin' in the background of the picture.

That bag was actually not the first crochet project bag I had made Erin.  Originally, I made her a "bagsket" (using Foofangle's tutorial)  It turned out to be a little small for Erin's purposes, since she's usually working from full skeins of yarn.  This is the top view, with the drawstring top closed:

And with it open:

The fun thing about the bagsket is the nifty pockets all along the inside.

Smaller skeins of yarn fit better in this bagsket.

This was one of those hard lessons learned when using directional fabric.  Yup, those flowers are upside down.  DOH.

On one side, I got them right side up.  The funny thing is, Erin claims she didn't even notice until I pointed it out to her.  I should learn to just keep my big mouth shut.

As long as Erin keeps crocheting us awesome stuff, I'm happy to make her 18 more project bags and baskets!!!

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