Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Princess nightgown (more or less)


(Just imagine an identical t-shirt to this only in a teal color.  I forgot to take a "before" picture.)  It's an adult large-sized t-shirt that made me look rather dumpy.  I couldn't part with it because it was in great condition and it was from our beloved Cannonwood neighborhood rib cook-off.  We still miss that neighborhood!

I saw a hilarious tutorial from one of my favorite bloggers on how to turn an adult t-shirt into a princess nightgown.  The tutorial used a women's size small t-shirt, but the only ones I have close to that size (I haven't fit in a women's size small since, well, ever, so I CERTAINLY didn't have any that exact size) seemed to have a smaller neckline than I wanted.  Part of the cuteness of the finished project is a gathered neckline (using elastic inserted in the original shirt's neckline ribbing).  I figured the larger the hole started, the more gathered it would be.  So, one of my adult (meaning men's, I guess) t-shirts seemed to be a better option.  Charlotte is getting pickier about not wanting to wear anything but "girl colors", and this teal seemed like the best possibility.


I told her it was a "princess nightgown" and she couldn't get it on fast enough.  Then, I warned her it was probably too hot to wear it to sleep in this summer, but that it would be a good fall nightgown.  She respectfully disagreed, and declared she would be indeed wearing it whenever she darn well pleased.  In fact, she is wearing it now even though I need to get it back to hand-stitch closed the tiny holes I made in the neckline and hems of the sleeves to insert the elastic.

She also refused my offer to make it shorter.  Probably a good thing, because I don't have any matching thread and it just wouldn't do to have a princess gown with a raw edge at the bottom.

I can always get Charlotte outside for a modeling session if I tell her she needs to check on the strawberry plants.  No strawberries today, but there are several blooms!

Verdict: she loves it.

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